Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4: 3-4
Reasons to be thankful:
Our time at Paganhill Church on Sunday was well received.
The OPCC visit to Stonehouse went reallly well.
Praise God!
Prayers for the week
This week includes Time to Talk Day (Thursday 1st Feb). Please pray for all of those struggling with their mental health, especially those unable to talk about it.
Monday 29th January
Please continue to pray for the senior team at The Door as they work on completing the paperwork for a substantial potential contract.
Tuesday 30th January
We are attending a gathering of youthwork providers from across Stroud District this afternoon. Please pray that this meeting is fruitful.
Wednesday 31st January
Please pray today for wisdom as the youthwork team interviews for a new Community Youthworker for Cirencester, Fairford and Lechlade.
Thursday 1st February
Today please pray for the preparations being made for next week’s volunteer training course.
Friday 2nd February
Please pray for energy for The Door’s Intensive Support team as they continue to work at full capacity.
Saturday 3rd February
Please continue to pray for the right applicants to come forwards for our paid and voluntary roles.
Sunday 4th February
Today please pray for the young people associated with the illuminate after-school drop-in at Paganhill Church.