Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community while learning new skills, making new friends and growing in confidence.
There are lots of different ways to volunteer at The Door so take a look at the list below and choose the one that feels right for you.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more simply complete the contact form at the bottom of the page.

The Door is fully committed to the safeguarding of young people and families, which incorporates the use of robust Safer Recruitment practices. Please note that you may need to complete an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check as part of your application to volunteer.

All our volunteers are expected to be good role models. Volunteers look after each other, the places we work and the people we work with. Volunteers are respectful of others and represent The Door in a positive way. Read more in our volunteer charter.

Minimum Age: 18
Training: 6 Sessions
DBS Required: Yes

Youth Mentors offer a listening ear to a young person aged 11-25 for around an hour a week.

No Experience is necessary, all we need from you is the willingness to listen and learn.

Volunteering as a mentor offers the opportunity to be a committed source of help and support for a young person.

Interested in this role?
We plan to run our next training course later this year.
Please keep an eye on our socials (@TheDoorStroud) for updates on when we are next
accepting applications.


Minimum Age: 25
Training: 6 Sessions
DBS Required: Yes

Parent Mentors offer a listening ear to a parent or carer for around an hour a week.

No Experience is necessary, all we need from you is the willingness to listen and learn.

Volunteering as a mentor offers the opportunity to be a committed source of help and support for a parent.

Interested in this role?
We plan to run our next training course later this year.
Please keep an eye on our socials (@TheDoorStroud) for updates on when we are next
accepting applications.

Minimum Age: 18
Training: 2 Days
DBS Required: Yes

Youthwork volunteers support The Door’s Youthwork Staff to deliver high-quality and engaging youth club sessions for young people aged 8-25.

Volunteers should expect to commit to a regular pattern of sessions for around 3 hours a week.

No Experience is necessary, all we need from you is plenty of energy, and a willingness to learn.

Read More: Youthwork Volunteer

Download an Application Form

Minimum Age: 18
Training: 6 Sessions
DBS Required: Yes

Telephone Mentors offer a listening ear to young people aged 11-25 for around 2-3 hours a week.

No Experience is necessary, all we need from you is the willingness to listen and learn.

Applicants should be able to volunteer on weekday evenings between 5 and 7pm

Interested in this role?
We plan to run our next training course later this year.
Please keep an eye on our socials (@TheDoorStroud) for updates on when we are next
accepting applications.

Minimum Age: 14
Training: 1 Hour
DBS Required: Yes (Over 16)

Retail volunteers help keep The Door’s Charity shop open and running. Looking after customers, running the till and processing donations.

Volunteers should expect to commit to a regular pattern of shifts from 1 hour a week.

No Experience is necessary, all we need from you is plenty of energy, and a willingness to learn.

Read More: Retail Volunteer

Download an Application Form

Minimum Age: 14
Training: Variable
DBS Required: Depends on Role

Fundraising Volunteers help #KeepTheDoorOpen by supporting fundraising events and activities.

Opportunities include street collecting, stewarding, serving refreshments and more.

Stay up to date with the opportunities available by signing up to be a Friend of The Door today.

Read More: Fundraising Volunteer

Contact the team

Age: 14-17
Training: As needed
DBS Required: Varies

Whether as a one off week or ongoing placement, The Door offers a variety of opportunities for work experience for young people aged 14-17.

Applicants should provide at least one month’s notice of a placement and are not guaranteed a place until after an informal interview.

Read More: Work Experience

Download an Application Form

Minimum Age: 18
Training: As needed
DBS Required: Varies

Whether as a one off week or ongoing placement, The Door offers a variety of opportunities for work experience for all ages.

So if you are looking to build your confidence or expand your experience work experience could be a perfect opportunity.

Read More: Work Experience

Download an Application Form

Age: 13-17
Training: 6 Sessions
DBS Required: 16+ Only

Young leaders help out in youth clubs, playing games, serving drinks and making sure new young people feel at home at The Door.

Young Leaders should have experience of attending The Door’s youth clubs and have one of The Door’s Youthworkers as a references

More details soon

Download an Application Form

Age: 18+
Training: Induction Only
DBS Required: Yes

Trustees are volunteers who use their skills, knowledge and experience to help the board reach sound decisions.

This may include scrutinising circulated papers, leading discussions focusing on key issues and providing advice and guidance on issues in which they have special expertise.

Read More: Trustee

Download an Application Form

Volunteer with The Door…

If you are looking for a way to learn new skills, give back to your community or try something new; why not volunteer as part of our award-winning team. The Door works across the Stroud District and South Cotswolds working with young people and families in every corner and community.

We welcome volunteers from across the District including but not limited to: Stroud, Stonehouse, Cam, Dursley, Wotton, Berkeley, Avening, Tetbury, Cirencester and Fairford. (If you are unsure if we work in your local area just give us a call or use the contact form on this page – we’d love to hear from you)

The Door is fully committed to the safeguarding of young people and families, which incorporates the use of robust Safer Recruitment practices.

Please note that you may need to complete an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check as part of your application to volunteer.

All our volunteers are expected to be good role models:  Read more in our Volunteer Charter.

Contact the team!

If you want to give something back but aren't sure which role is for you or you have questions about volunteering at The Door use this form to get in touch with the team.
For details of The Door’s privacy policy, please see www.thedoor.org.uk/privacy