This month’s update is from Graham , our COO
Our financial year at The Door finishes at the end of June, so for me July is spent frantically running around chasing stock takes, invoices and statements, running reports, checking departmental cost allocations and account balances and reconciling everything to go off to the accountant.
Sixteen months ago as the pandemic was starting we were faced with making tough decisions about how best to eke out our remaining finances.
I’m very glad to say that despite all the many challenges over this period, we are now in a much better position financially than we were then, which enables us to plan for the future with confidence. We really want to thank God so much for blessing us with the funding we’ve needed.
Our services are very much in demand, and we’re receiving an unprecedented number of enquiries to expand particularly our youthwork and schools work into new areas. We’ve recently started some schools work in Cirencester, but we need real wisdom in what to take on without overstretching our brilliant but beleaguered team of staff and volunteers.
So here are two small ways in which you might be able to help us. Firstly, we’d really appreciate it if you could pray for wisdom for us in dealing with the pressure to expand geographically without losing the essential DNA of what makes us The Door.
Secondly, if you’ve never made a financial contribution to us before, whether as an individual or an organisation, there’s a great opportunity to double your donation as The Four Acre Trust are providing match funding for gifts from new donors received before the end of September. Find out more by reading this article.
Thanks very much for all your support – we really appreciate it!