Current Government Guidelines allow outdoor youthwork so we are delighted to offer this programme of activities over the Easter Holidays free for all young people aged 11-17.
Find your local centre on Instagram for full details or to message your youthworker direct. (You can also use our contact form)
Wednesday 7th April
Cam Support Group 4-5pm (Booking required)
Instagram Support Live from The Vibe: Tune in @DursleyDoor on Instagram from 5:30-6:30pm
Thursday 8th April
Cam Woodfield park Egg Hunt 3-5pm
Wednesday 14th April
Outdoor Support Group at Cam YC 4-5pm
Thursday 15th April
Picnic at Jubilee Playing Fields (Cam) 3-5pm
Tuesday 6th April
Outdoor Session Highfield’s Park (Dursley) 4-6pm
Wednesday 7th April
Instagram Support Live from The Vibe: Tune in @DursleyDoor on Instagram from 5:30-6:30pm
Friday 9th April
Dursley: Outdoors at The Rec 4.30-6.30pm
Monday 12th April
Egg Hunt on the Rec in Dursley 3-5pm
Friday 16th April
Outdoor session Highfield’s Park (Dursley) 4.30-6.30pm
Wednesday 7th April
Easter Egg Hunt in Stratford Park 1pm-3pm
Wednesday 14th April
Picnic in Stratford Park. Bring your own food, drink and something to sit on 2.30-4.30pm
Friday 16th April
Easter Fun Day in partnership with PSALMS – 10am-2pm at Oldends Park
Friday 9th April
Wotton: Synwell Park Outdoor Session 2-4pm
Friday 16th April
Bring your own picnic Synwell Park 2-4pm