Tony is a young man with a learning disability. He has been attending The Drop-In for several years and is regularly around The Door. Whilst he is always willing to get involved in things, his behaviour is often quite immature and inappropriate. There have been several issues with arguments and fallings out with Dan, who is Tony’s friend and also has a learning disability.
When we moved to 45 High Street, Tony was very keen to get involved in things, and quickly started to clean the windows in the Tranzform Shop every Saturday. From this small beginning he then helped out regularly in the stock room. He was then signed up to complete an ASDAN volunteering award, which led to him also volunteering in The Drop-In. Over time Tony became more confident and self aware, he was trained in all aspects of retail, including customer service and handling money. His actions in The Drop-In became more mature and respectful as he began to see himself as a member of staff.
Tony was an ideal candidate for Creative Futures and he has blossomed in this arena. He has used his work in Tranzform to enable a partnership between the two areas, and this has led to him producing promotional material for the shop. He is now working alongside Dan 2 afternoons per week in Creative Futures without any big issues. He is currently well on the way to achieving a Entry 3 Preparation for Work Dimploma in Service Industries.