June has been all about relaxing, stress busting and burning off steam. Learning to take a break from hard work such as exams, revision and end of year assessments to stay healthy and happy at the end of term.
Starting in Stonehouse at The Pod where the young people have been adding the final touches to the revamp with some beautifully planted tire pots.
John also visited the Hardwicke Fayre, to build relationships ready for when we take The Door Bus on tour in Severnside during August.
The Youthworkers in Stroud have been cooking up a storm with pizza, chicken, sausages and more.
Also in Stroud there's been plenty of fun with Squash Pong and chair stacking championships.
In Cam and Dursley the team have been making the most of the sunshine with evenings out to the rec, water fights at The Vibe (in the garden!). And plenty going on in centres too with dance offs and fruit salad.
For more details of upcoming activities in The Door's Youth Clubs visit thedoor.org.uk/about/opening-hours and find your local centre.
And don't forget to have a look at our fantastic summer programme at thedoor.org.uk/summer