Whether your summer has been as exciting and fun-packed as ours, or as miserable as a wet-weekend in Tenby, the kids going back to school is always a really stressful time.
Don’t worry – The Door is at hand!
Our 8 youth venues (welcome on board Avening!) will be open after school as always (check out facebook for times and locations) so that your kids have safe places to go, and great youthworkers to talk to.
If they need a little more support, then we’re reopening referrals into our Mentoring scheme (and we’re got a whole bunch of new volunteers starting training on the 6th September too)
And if you need someone to just let off a bit of steam with, then don’t forget our Parents’ Coffee Time, or if you think something a bit more formal is up your street, how about signing up for the next Positive Parenting Programme (Triple P) – the course starts soon.
Whatever the new school term is going to throw at you, just remember, you don’t have to face it alone. The Door is OPEN!