The end of the school year is a particularly significant time for young people because it marks the end of an era – even for those who are just moving from one year group to the next will recognise that they’re finishing one stage and will be starting something different in September.
For others, though, the transition is more significant. There will be young people who will be anticipating the start of their GCSEs, others who will be moving on to college or 6th form, and some who will be leaving education all together – hoping for employment. Of course some will be moving away to University and the start of living independently.
One area of transition we’ve been focusing on over the past few weeks is those 11 year olds who are leaving primary school and moving up to ‘Big School’. It has been exciting to have groups of year 6s from various schools come to our taster sessions in our Stroud Drop-In, and we’ve already started to build relationships with these ‘new intake’ as they’ve come along to open sessions and signed up for summer activity programmes too. At The Door we’re committed to early intervention across all of our projects – we know that a ‘stitch in time saves nine’ and that for many young people having the right support at an early age ensures they will unlock their potential and open the opportunities before them over the coming years.
Sadly there are others who we don’t meet until issues have mounted up, and we need to journey with them in much deeper and more complex ways – again still committed to helping them discover their potential and see the future as a brighter place.
In every aspect of our work we seek to demonstrate the love and compassion that Jesus shows us – the Bible describes a set of values it calls “The Fruit of The Spirit”, and these are the values which underpin our work. Throughout this summer, as we reach out to young people and their families we pray that we can transform lives through the embodiment of these ‘fruit’
Have a great summer!