I write this update, as the final preparations for our AGM and Golden Hinge award ceremony at Forest Green Rovers are put in place. As always the AGM will be a great opportunity for us to celebrate the past year, and look forward to the next. Personally, it also marks the end of my first year as CEO of The Door. Since November 2014 there have been both great highs and tough lows in the life of The Door. We’ve also made some significant changes to what we do, and the way we work.

Two low points which will remain with me for a long time were the untimely deaths of a 17 year old young lady, and our dear friend and ex colleague Leo Versaci. Both of these hit us hard for very different reasons, and remembering them both is an important part of our annual reflection.

It had long been my vision to take the amazing work of The Door further afield than the Stroud Town Centre, and in September this year that vision finally became a reality with the launch of our work at The Vibe in Dursley, and the Woodfield Centre in Cam. In reality we’ve been providing Family Support Services in that area for many years, but our new presence within these open youthwork settings really brought together the planning and development work for the whole team.

Behind the scenes, we’re developing more comprehensive and cost effective working practices, and targeting sustainable funding streams.

You can find out more at the AGM, and through our website.

God Bless


Voyce Of The Door for November