It is with great pleasure, that we can announce that The Door has been chosen by Dursley Town Council and Cam Parish Council to be their preferred supplier of youthwork across the two areas for the next two years.
The Door successfully bid for the tender which includes the day to day management of youth and community services in ‘The Vibe’ – the new youth centre build in partnership between Dursley Town Council and Dursley Tabernacle Church. The Door will also be providing youth work provision in Cam’s Woodfield Youth and Community Centre.
Over the past 18 months we have been developing strong links into the local communities, including working closely with the Tab and supporting them in developing their response to the needs of the community. Since September 2014, thanks to funding from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, James Honey, youthwork manager, has led the team delivering detached youthwork in Dursley and Cam, and a youthwork session weekly in The Vibe. We have built relationships with the steering committee of The Vibe and alongside other service providers to ensure the best, multi-agency, solutions to young people’s needs are developed. Delivering the tender will be a continuation and expansion of this work.
The Door’s vision is to see quality youthwork in every town and village in the Stroud District, and for us to play a part in catalysing local communities to provide this themselves. The relationships we have started to build locally in Cam and Dursley are a testimony to this vision and desire to work alongside the community.
“It is clear that The Door is being called to particular towns and villages across the District,” says CEO Barrie Voyce, “but that is only half the story. We also need to be received in those places by like-minded individuals and organisations who share our heart for the community. We are committed to working with at least one local church in whichever area we sense God is calling us to, as well as other governmental or charitable organisations. Dursley Tabernacle have an amazing heart for their community, and a commitment to see change, it has been great to work with them and the other partners in developing The Vibe. We look forward to building on these relationships, and forging new ones across Dursley and Cam. Moreover, we are looking forward to bringing hope and opportunities into the lives of young people across the area over the next 2 years and beyond.”