Its been just over 3 months since I took on the role of Chief Executive, and the most frequent question I’m asked is “How’s life at the top?” In some ways things haven’t changed a great deal – we have an extraordinary team of paid and volunteer staff who day in day out bring Hope and Light into the lives of those we encounter, and they all make my life easy because they are so amazing. In other ways, though, things are different. Ultimately, now, the buck stops with me – and that can be quite a daunting thought sometimes.
But the real truth is that The Door is no more mine than it ever was my predecessor’s. Unlike secular organisations the Chief Executive is not at “The Top”, because over me, and all of us. is Jesus. It is through his authority that we set about our tasks each day, and it is through him that we get our strength and provision.
At the start of 2015 the team took a day out to spend time together reflecting on the journey ‘The Door’ has come on and the role that God has played in the organisation since 1991. Individually, in our teams, and all together we recognised how amazing it is to be a part of God’s great plan for young people and their families across the Stroud area. We also asked God to to give us wisdom and vision for the coming year.
2015 is going to be an exciting year, as has every year since The Door first opened. Of course there will be challenges along the way, there will be tears of joy and tears of sorrow, there will be farewells and hellos to clients, volunteers and staff members I’m sure. There will also be some tough decisions to be made about ‘the business’ of running a medium-sized company. But through all the highs and lows – the mountain-top moments and the valleys of despair – we know that God is “at The Top” and on the journey with us