When two young teenagers set out to swap a paper clip for the highest valued item they could for charity, little did they know where it’d take them!
Grace Barber, 19 and youth worker for The Door Youth Project managed to swap up to a designer bag, courtesy of Brilliant Disguise! Grace talks about the challenges she faced ”It really hasn’t been as easy as I first thought, but a great experience at that, the initial hurdle was swapping the paperclip, a huge thanks to Brilliant Disguise!”
Harry Gardner, 19, Fundraiser for The Door Youth Project managed to swap up with Marcus Green for a Photo Shoot valued at £200 who he then swapped with Berith Sandgren-Clarke, Director of Limelight Image Consultancy for a image consultancy valued at £250 he then went onto swapping with Langley Chalet for a weeks holiday down in Cornwall valued at £500.
Harry says ”what an experience! a massive thanks is owed to all of the businesses who assisted with the event and to the people of Stroud for the ongoing support! I’ve learnt that Stroud as a whole is a very caring town. When swapping it gave me the opportunity to talk about The Door Youth Project to many people about the life changing work they do, it surprised me to discover how many people haven’t even heard of The Door Youth Project”
To book a holiday in the beautiful setting of Cornwall with outstanding sea views please contact local couple Andrew and Trecia Filer on 0776 5630536 or visit www.langleychalet.co.uk
The full story can be found
If you’re a local group, business or organisation and would like to find out more about the fantastic work of The Door Youth Project, please get in contact. We’d love to hear from you!