“You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.” Psalm 119:114

Reasons to be thankful

We have had a good start to the new term.

Praise God!

Prayers for the week

Monday 20th January 
Today please pray that the right candidates will come forward for our two director vacancies.

Tuesday 21st January
Please continue to pray for funding towards illuminate trips and The Door’s other activities to be forthcoming.

Wednesday 22nd January
Today please pray that inductions for new starters go well.

Thursday 23rd January
As the fundraising team plans several events and activities for the next few weeks, please pray that logistics will fall into place easily.

Friday 24th January
As everyone gets stuck into the new term, please pray for continued positive engagement in Youth Clubs.

Saturday 25th January
Please pray that those seeking work or housing will hear good news soon.

Sunday 26th January
Today please pray for the youth mentoring team as they work together to maintain so many mentoring relationships

Weekly Prayer

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