Here with this month’s Director’s Chair is our CEO Victoria:

March is the month of Mothering Sunday and International Women’s Day. So as a proud mum of two young women, the sentiments of this month really resonate with me. Being a mum isn’t always the easiest but it is by far the most rewarding thing in my life. I understand, that the path of parenthood for many (and indeed myself) is sometimes bumpy and challenging. But, I have always held onto hope in the darkest of times that things will get better.

This hope of a brighter future is what the team at The Door endeavour to bring to the numerous parents that come to us for support. We know that far from being a weakness, it is those that reach out for support in tough times who are the strongest.

Having someone by our side can be one of the most powerful forms of support there is. So this month I want to celebrate the incredible work done by our Family Support Team who provide 1:1, group and training support to mums and dads, as well as their families.

Also this month I want to be thankful for the women across our District, celebrating them for who they are and all they do for their families, businesses, communities and the causes they represent.

Women and young girls are close to our hearts at The Door too, as we continue to be part of the incredible work of the Gloucestershire Mentoring Programme (GMP).

GMP (launched this time last year) was specifically set up to support girls and young women at risk of taking the wrong path in their lives. Each month we introduce to you a different member of The Door family and this month it’s the turn of Jill Anderson GMP’s Programme Coordinator.

Jill is a great example of an incredible woman who not only coordinates GMP with great humility and integrity but, does so with great determination and commitment.

So let’s all take time this month to celebrate wonderful women in our lives, women who have influenced us to be who we are today, those that are great role models and do something special for them to say thank you for who they are.

And if you are still looking for a way to say thank you, why not pop into The Door Shop to pick up a gift card, starting at £3, all proceeds will go straight towards helping #KeepTheDoorOpen for the mums (and dads!) that need us. You can also donate online at

Directors Chair

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