Reasons to be thankful

The Youthwork team had an incident free evening at the Five Valleys Fireworks on Monday

Young people at TK are making great progress in there mentoring

We had lots of young people visit our Engine Room bonfire on Sunday evening

Praise God!


Please hold in your prayers all those young people and families struggling to manage tighter budgets. Pray for discernment as The Door team seeks the best ways to support those we support that are in or close to being in food poverty.

Monday 31st October
Volunteer mentor training begins tonight, please pray for our new volunteers as they begin their journey.

Tuesday 1st November
The Door’s members and trustees meet for our formal AGM this morning. Please pray for a successful meeting.

Wednesday 2nd November
Please continue to pray for the health of staff and volunteers especially those with COVID.

Thursday 3rd November
Today please pray for the intensive support team as they continue to work to reduce the waiting list of mentoring.

Friday 4th November
Please continue to pray for fundraising bids to be successful so we may have the resources we need.

Saturday 5th November
As young people get back into the day to day of school, please pray for a peaceful term for all

Sunday 6th November
Please pray that connections made at last week’s bonfire will lead to new young people joining illuminate’s Engine Room sessions.

Weekly Prayer

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