Answers to prayer…
Local schools have used their end of year fundraising to support The Door.
Mentoring relationships have been getting off to a great start with lots of new matchings.
Praise God!
This weeks prayer points…
Monday 26th July
Today is the first day of the summer holidays. Please pray for those young people and families facing 6 weeks of boredom, financial stresses and balancing work and home.
Tuesday 27th July
Today please pray for young people calling The Door line support service. For courage to reach out.
Wednesday 28th July
Parent support groups will meet this evening. Please pray for attendees to find renewed strength from each other’s experiences.
Thursday 29th July
Please pray for energy for the youthwork team as they deliver their 6 weeks of exciting summer delivery.
Friday 30th July
A number of our staff are on holiday over the coming weeks. Please pray for rest, relaxation and refreshment.
Saturday 31st July
August is often a quiet time for funding, please pray we will have the resources we need to keep going through the summer.
Sunday 1st August
Please pray for wisdom in the recruitment of new members for our youthwork team.