Income Generation and Marketing Director – David Hellens
The last 3 months since starting in this role have been quite a whirlwind. Getting to know what everyone does, and getting my feet under the income generation and marketing table. Not to mention doing it all from home! I’m sure it will be quite a shock to be able to meet everyone in the flesh someday soon. And no doubt fascinating to see how different they are in reality vs the little thumbnail-sized images I have come to know on zoom.
Since ancient times sailors who survived mighty storms have given thanks for their deliverance. And we continue to pray that the end of this horrible pandemic experience may be in sight.
There is still much work to do. Checking and mending our ship, and ensuring that all who sail in her are fit, well and ready for action. And it’s exciting for me as the new boy to be part of it.
I’ve been measured for some suitable, (and I am told much sought after) Door Branded kit. And I hope to be able to join the youthwork team out and about to observe what they do. This will enable me to write better applications to Trust Funds for grants with some first-hand knowledge of “life at The Door”.
The Door Shop team are also part of my remit and our Manager Anne Griffiths is one of the few people whom I have been able to meet without a Zoom screen anywhere in sight. You don’t get a cup of tea when you meet people on Zoom, you do when you meet with Anne in the real world!
Like other local businesses, Anne and her team were excitedly counting down for the big re-opening day. And at 9am on 12th April they threw open the doors once again. We didn’t know what to expect but the customers came, and they even broke our all-time sales record! We had the best sales takings day the shop has ever had in its 9-year history.
Donations of stock for the shop have also been coming thick and fast on our ‘donation days’ – Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday 9am-3pm (or until we are full!)
The shop is a major source of income for The Door, and we are glad to see it up and running again and we are so grateful to our supporters and volunteers for all that they have done to make it a success.
Back in the fundraising office (also known as my spare room), we have been in contact with many potential grant funders, and have been blessed to receive sufficient financial support over the past months to enable us to weather the storm.
The pandemic has put a lot of pressure on Trust Funds and the charities they support. It is amazing how active and busy everyone is during the complex process of applying for and delivering grants.
It is in truth a hidden hive of industry and an exciting challenge for everyone involved in the process.
Find out more about The Door Charity Shop including what and when to donate or shop