107 intrepid sailors took to the Stroud Water Canal upon 20 home built rafts of all shapes and sizes as they took part in the 2019 Stroud Charity Raft Race on Sunday 15th September.
Some were clearly more prepared than others but they all got stuck in with all 20 rafts making it to the start line at Wallbridge Lock with great enthusiasm. After being waved across the start line by crowds of cheering fans, four of the teams became a lot better acquainted with the canal than perhaps they had bargained for!

The other 16 made good progress as they headed down to Capel’s Mill to take on the Slalom. A new challenge for this year’s event provided by the Stroud Canoe Club. Exhibiting (some might say surprisingly) great manoeuvrability the teams made light work of the slalom, with many making it through penalty free, before starting their return leg. All the time encouraged by their families and friends who were lining the tow path all the way along the 1.2km route.
LB Bentley Buccaneers set of first with an amazing time, then had a long wait until the very last couple rafts before they were certain that the victory was theirs!
Taylor made made it a third year in the 2nd place spot (and are already talking about taking it one better in 2020!)
Reigning Champions DC’s Dirty Oars had to settle for 3rd this year but still put on a great show.

In other categories the Pink Ladies took home fastest slalom and the BBC Radio Glos Team ‘Pirate Radio’ were voted best dressed which was awarded by Renishaw.

A massive thankyou to everyone that took part, volunteers and supported this year’s Race – raising almost £3000 for The Door and the Canal Trust as well as other sponsorship for the team’s chosen charities.

If you would like to sponsor one of the teams click here. Or to sign up as a potential team for 2020 click here (go on you know you want to!)