In December, The Social Club Team from the local green energy company Ecotricity supported The Door Youth Project in raising £870.00! The majority of the money was raised via a raffle, with a lot of prizes donated by local businesses as well as some of Ecotricity’s partners. It proved to be very popular with staff and lots of people bought multiple strips of tickets! The Social Club Team also held a Christmas Jumper day to raise funds and invited all employees to wear Christmas jumpers and donate towards the charity. Barrie Voyce, CEO of The Door says “We really appreciate the efforts of the Social Club Team in raising awareness and money for The Door – it’s great to know employees at a local business want to do something to give back to a local charity. These kinds of donations enable The Door to support young people and their families through our Youthwork and family support teams – giving them hope for a brighter future.”
Full list of supporters
Stroud based:
- Fourteen
- Cotswold Handmade Soap (they have a stall at the farmers market)
- Days Cottage Apple Juice (also farmers market)
- Walkers Bakery
- Kendrick St Deli
- Confection Affection
- Moonflower Too
- The Subscription Rooms
Ecotricity partners:
- Lush handmade cosmetics
- Forest Green Rovers
- The Vegan Lifestyle Association
- Juniper Green Gin from London and Scottish International
- People Tree
For more information about how you could raise funds for The Door, contact or call 01453 756745