Charlotte is currently really blossoming, thanks to the work of Annie, Focused Intervention Youthworker (Education, Employment and Training).
When Annie first met Charlotte, she was a little unsure what they wanted to do and which direction to go in. Annie has been working with her over the past couple of months helping to build her self-esteem, self-confidence and encouraging her to believe in herself.
Charlotte has had support to develop her C.V. and think about what sort of job she might be suitable for. Annie then helped with job hunting and they went out together dropping Charlotte’s C.V. around town.
Working with Annie means Charlotte has become more confident in her own abilities – she now believes in herself, and therefore can ‘sell herself’ to potential employers.
Recently Charlotte has decided which career path she wants to pursue, and has managed to secure a work placement. Even more fantastic is the news that Charlotte has just accepted a part-time job at a local supermarket.
It has been such a great pleasure to work with such a wonderful young person.