The Door Youth Project has just received Lottery Funding from Sport England to deliver an innovative sport project containing boxersize and circuit training to help local young people to engage with sport while improving their health, fitness and mental well being.
James Honey Youth Work Manager says
”We work with 100 different young people each week and have seen a significant increase of young people managing stress via smoking and consuming numerous energy drinks to have enough energy to get through the day. We know this lottery funding will be a massive help through providing young people with positive sportsactivities, being easy to access and fun. We hope that over time we will see a decrease in the consumption of energy drinks and smoking and an improvement in their fitness, diet, sleeping patterns and overall self esteem”. 
‘Fit’ will form part of the exciting AWOL programme which enables young people to engage in football, dance and now circuits, as well as healthy eating and lifestyle choices. AWOL is being led by our latest recruit, Sam Martin, who joined the team in August. Sam is an experienced coach and youthworker, and is currently in his final year at Gloucester University studying Sport Science.
If you or someone you know between the ages of 11 – 25 would like to benefit from these sports please contact The Door Youth Project on 01453 756745