From our Friends

  • Chat Health - Confidential texting service for 11-19 year olds. Text a school nurse about any health worries Monday-Friday 9-4.30pm simply text your questions to 07507 333 351
  • FREE Online courses from Future Learn
  • Download the Kooth App for your personal mental health journal and access to confidential chat rooms and discussion boards
  • Try out the Think Ninja app
  • CBBC Resources about Resilience
  • Emergency Funding available to individuals and families struggling to make ends meet due to COVID 19 - from GCC
  • The Positive Planner, a variety of resources for all ages, predominantly late
  • Alumina is a free, online 7 week course for young people struggling with self-harm. Each course has up to 8 young people, all accessing the sessions from their own phones, tablets or laptops across the UK. The courses take place on different evenings of the week and are run by friendly, trained counsellors and volunteer youthworkers:
  • MeeT00 Connect App - Teachers and support staff deserve the very best support for their mental health and wellbeing.
    MeeToo Connect provides education professionals with the tools to protect their own mental health, and better support their students. Search on your app store for MeeToo Connect
  • MeeToo app – The MeeToo app for young people U18, allows you to talk anonymously about difficult things with other people of a similar age or experience. You can get help with your problems or use your experiences to help others. The app is a safe space where all posts and replies are checked before going live so there is no harassment, bullying or grooming. Search MeeToo in your app store.
  • Hub of Hope App – Search in your app store
  • Every Mind Matters Made by Public Health England to help people manage common mental health problems and support others.
  • Samaritans – available 24/7 365 days a year. Free confidential support for all via text, email, letter, face to face .
  • Young Minds / Shout Crisis Messenger – for young people who are in crisis (suicidal thoughts, bereaved, self-harm etc.), they can text ‘YM’ to 85258 and then receive support from a trained volunteer via text.
  • Risk assessment tool for suicidal ideation – please note this is only a tool to give an indicator of suicidal risk, it should not be relied upon solely. All other factors should be taken into account. It should be used to help bring up the conversation of suicidal ideation and as a general measure, always seek further support and opinion. harmLESS
  • – mental health awareness for young people
  • – general mental health awareness
  • Campaign Against Living – this is a website aimed at
    reducing male suicide and stigma of mental ill health in males. It offers a helpline service
    alongside webchat.
  • Papyrus – Support for those feeling suicidal or those who have been bereaved by suicide.
    Also offers a helpline called the ‘HopeLine’.
  • – support for young people in emotional distress
  • NHS MoodZone – providing information on common mental health concerns including dealing with anger, exams etc.
  • Head Talks - providing videos discussing all aspects of mental illness and recovery
  • The – provides information on a range of issues affecting young people under 25yrs including – mental ill health, drugs, sexual health. Also offer a free helpline for young people.