Weekly Prayer

Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat. Mark 6:31

Reasons to be thankful:

Work experience placements over the last few weeks have been successful.

Our new Lechlade Youth Club continues to grow in numbers.

Friday’s trip to RIAT went well.

A number of venues offered to look after collection tins for us in Cirencester last week.

Praise God!

Prayers for the week

Monday 22nd July
Today please continue to pray for our Fundraising Team and their efforts to secure funds to maintain our services.

Tuesday 23rd July
Staff and others known to The Door are currently unwell, including some with COVID.  Please pray for a speedy recovery.

Wednesday 24th July
As we begin our summer holiday youth club sessions please pray for a safe, fun and peaceful six weeks.

Thursday 25th July
Please continue to pray for the availability of venues for our youthwork in Cirencester.

Friday 26th July
Today please pray that the building works needed on our offices will be completed soon and be successful.

Saturday 27th July
As the illuminate team prepare to take young people to Satellites next week, please pray that preparations will go well.

Sunday 28th July
Please pray for the Intensive Support Team as they begin a week of admin and planning together tomorrow.

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