January 2025 CEO Victoria
As we embark on another year at The Door, we need to strap in. It’s certainly going to be an exciting adventurous one. I am mindful of a key principle of how we operate, to have a spirit of generosity. It is this spirit that we will certainly need to embody through 2025 as we continue to embody our mission to Unlock Potential and Open Opportunity for so many in need, while this year we navigate change in our leadership structure and continue to be challenged to meet continuing demands on our services with the same resources.
Generosity shows up in many ways and this month I wanted to highlight just two acts of generosity that you can support. The first is an amazing initiative known as Give As You Live. Such a simple but ingenious idea means donating to our wonderful charity as you shop. This is at no cost to you and much benefit to us. If you’re not already signed up – which is super simple to do – then follow the link below and we’d be very grateful if you sign up today.
Another act of absolute generosity we have received recently is one of our wonderful volunteers, Miriam who is an accomplished artist has kindly donated several of her original paintings to enable us to host an art exhibition with the opportunity for anyone to purchase her fabulous work. With one comes another and another, and we have been inundated with other artists wanting to join us at the exhibition too. Save the date in your diary (31st March – 5th April) for what promises to be a feast for the eyes, and we look forward to seeing you there. You certainly won’t be disappointed.
“… Freely you have received; freely give.” Matthew 10:8
Link to sign up to Give As You Live