The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my saviour; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. Psalm 18:2

Reasons to be thankful

We have had a good start to the new term.

Praise God!

Prayers for the week

Monday 13th January 
As we wait to hear whether funding bids have been successful, please pray for good news for funding from Nationwide and for funds to support illuminate Trips

Tuesday 14th January
The illuminate team are in Archway this week helping with RS lessons. Please pray for some great conversations.

Wednesday 15th January
Today please continue to pray for wisdom as we seek to recruit into our staff team.

Thursday 16th January
Please pray for all of those on leave or holiday at the moment – for safe travels and good rest.

Friday 17th January
Today please pray for clarity and wisdom for the operations team as they seek to resolve and renew service contracts including our phones over the coming weeks.

Saturday 18th January
Please continue to hold in your prayers those that are grieving after the recent loss of loved ones.

Sunday 19th January
Please pray for the preparations being made for our next volunteer training course to go well.

Weekly Prayer

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