Answers to Prayer
Reviews of youthwork in Cam, Dursley and Wotton went well.
We have lots of amazing young people volunteering with us at the moment.
2 young people we support have secured jobs this week.
Praise God!
Monday 28th March
Please pray for wisdom, grace and energy for the Intensive Support Team as they begin their admin week.
Tuesday 29th March
Please pray that the right candidate will come forward for our vacancy for an administrator for the Intensive Support Team.
Wednesday 30th March
Today please pray for healing for members of The Door team who are ill with COVID.
Thursday 31st March
Please pray for a successful meeting of the ACEs Strategy Panel.
Friday 1st April
Today please pray that the working parties on our buildings this weekend will go well.
Saturday 2nd April
Please continue to pray for good engagement in Cirencester as we compile a community profile.
Sunday 3rd April
Today please pray for inspiration for the team as they prepare forĀ Easter Holiday activities and exam season support.