Answers to Prayer
The #100KinMay challenged raised over £5000!
Youth club attendance has started to increase again with lots of new faces including year 6s.
We received a large funding grant which covers some of our core costs last week.
Praise God!
Prayers for this week
Tuesday 8th June
Today please pray for a peaceful break for the members of The Door team that are on holiday.
Wednesday 9th June
Please pray for Victoria as she prepares to speak at a national conference tomorrow.
Thursday 10th June
Please pray for inspiration and guidance for the Intensive Support Team as they look to match young people and parents with the right volunteer mentors.
Friday 11th June
The illuminate team are preparing to relaunch schools work next term. Please pray for positive meetings with school staff over the next few weeks
Saturday 12th June
Registration for our Fundraising Fire Walk opened this week. Please pray for volunteers to sign up and take part in the event.
Sunday 13th June
Today please pray for wisdom for the youthwork team as they continue to prepare for the launch of a new merchandise range.