Answers to prayer
Last week the illuminate group had a great adventure day out together!
We continue to see new parents engaging in our parent support groups right when they need it.
This week we welcome 2 new members to The Door team!
We have 5 new volunteers signed up and ready for training to help with our Door To The Future work.
This week’s prayer points:
Monday 2nd November
Please pray for wisdom and inspiration for the service delivery team as they begin to make plans for their provision as we go into a second lockdown this week.
Tuesday 3rd November
Please pray for a young person who is having issues with being bullied by other students from his school to feel safe.
Wednesday 4th November
Please pray for our Trustees, Directors and Members as they come together for this morning’s AGM.
Thursday 5th November
Please pray for everyone in The Door team, our volunteers, young people and their families to have hope and peace throughout this second lockdown.
Friday 6th November
Please pray that we may be able to continue building on relationships with those that provide funding to The Door including at a meeting today.
Saturday 7th November
Please pray for the continued preparations for our virtual awards night.
Sunday 8th November
Please pray that we will be able to help find a positive resolution for an antisocial behaviour issue in one of our communities.