Prayer mail
Answers to prayer…
The telephone support team were invited to be interviewed on local radio twice last week. A great opportunity to spread the word about their work.
Parent Connections indoors was a huge success
We received some funding towards parent support. Praise God!
This month we are joining the rest of the world in praying for those affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic. Please join us in praying for healing and recovery, for wisdom and guidance for leaders, for energy and rest for those on the front line and for peace for those suffering loss.
Monday 28th September
Today please pray for the youthwork team, for healing, refreshment and protection as they continue to navigate this challenging time and maintain services for young people.
Tuesday 29th September
Today please pray for the recruitment of two new staff members into the youth support and youthwork teams. Please pray for the right candidates to apply.
Wednesday 30th September
Please pray today for the Telephone mentoring team as they continue to find ways to keep their service running as safely as possible.
Thursday 1st October
Please pray today for the start of a new season for the Fundraising Team. For Lynn as she moves onto new ventures and the rest of the team as they scope out the next few months together.
Friday 2nd October
Today please pray for Paula, and her family. For peace amongst the chaos
Saturday 3rd October
Please continue to pray for all our mentoring relationships as mentors and mentees seek to maintian their connections remotely, virtually and in person in a safe and useful way.
Sunday 4th October
Golden Hinge Awards nominations opened this week. Please pray for inspiration amongst the wider Door family as we reflect on who to nominate for this year’s awards.